Price list (2024 new prices for 2025 coming soon)
A4 portrait head/shoulders only (one pet only)
- £295 mounted only
- £325 mounted and framed
A3 portrait head/shoulders one pet
- £395 mounted only
- £425 mounted and framed
- please add £150 for every other pet added up to a max. 3 pets .
A4 full head and body (one pet only)
- £425 mounted only
- £475 mounted and framed
A3 full head and body one pet
- £525 mounted only
- £575 mounted and framed
- Please add £150 for an extra pet max. 2 pets
*Square smaller portrait available for those on a small budget please contact me to discuss *
As an artist I am always looking for new challenges so if you are looking for something different and bespoke please get in touch
Whilst dogs, cats and horses are popular there is no pet that doesn't deserve a portrait, all shapes and sizes (and species) welcome!
Please read Photo guide for information on supplying a suitable photo for the portrait